What is an Instant water heater?

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What is an Instant water heater?

The Instant water heaters are those kinds of water heaters which have small storage capacity and high heating rate. It has a small storage capacity of 1 Litre to 3 Litre. Instant water heaters are also known as tankless water heaters or non-storage water heaters. Since these are lower in volume and higher in heating, it provides hot water instantly. These instant water heater can be installed throughout a household at more than one point-of-use. On-demand, they offer sufficient and continuous flow of hot water compared to a conventional tank water heaters.

How does Instant Water Heater Work?

The Instant Water Heater or tankless water heater heats water on demand. It does not use a storage tank to heat the water, it heats the water directly. When a hot water tap is turned on than cold water travels through a pipe into the heating unit, and here electric heating element heats the water. That’s the reason, instant water heaters offer a constant supply of hot water, Like storage tank or conventional water heater, you don’t need to wait for filling up with enough hot water.

In general, the tankless or instant water heaters deliver hot water at a rate of 2-5 gallons per minute.

How much time does Instant Water Heater or Tankless Water Heater take to heat the Water?

The time taken by Instant Water heater or Tankless Water heater completely depends on the temperature of the area of the country. In the winter, usually, the temperature of the water heater remains between 4 degrees Celsius and 21 degrees Celsius, sometimes the temperature of the water is below 4 degrees Celsius in this case the water is converted into ice. After considering all these temperature variations, we find out how much time an instant water heater takes to heat the water to a high temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius and moderate water temperature of about 39 degree Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius. So, the final calculation is, a tankless water heater takes about 1 minute on an average to heat water to moderate temperature and 2 minutes to heat to high temperature.


Benefits of Instant Water Heater or Tankless Water Heater

There are lots of benefits of buying an Instant or on-demand water heater:

  • Tankless water heaters are compact, so take less space than conventional or tank-type water heaters
  • Instant water heaters eliminate the standby losses, it means in the tank-type water heaters, the remaining hot water in the storage tank cools down but in the tankless water heaters, there is no need of storing hot water.
  • By delivering hot water instantly on-demand, tankless water heaters waste less water.
  • You don’t need to wait for long in the bathroom for hot water, it will deliver instantly
  • An instant water heater is more durable than the conventional water heater or tank-type water heater
  • An instant water heater is also energy-efficient and reduces the cost of the electricity bill and uses less fuel compared to the traditional one.


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